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Flowers make rural economy blossom

TIME:2024-06-03 19:26:52 Source: Internet compilationEdit:travel

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A drone photo shows a cherry blossom garden in a village in Pingyao town, Zhejiang province, on Marc

  A drone photo shows a cherry blossom garden in a village in Pingyao town, Zhejiang province, on March 13, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

  As spring arrives and flowers blossoms, many tourists start to enjoy cherry, white plum and rape flowers in rural areas, making it a flourishing growth point in the rural economy.

  In Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, the cherry blossom garden in Tangbu village is in full bloom, attracting visitors to enjoy the cherry blossoms. The Pingyao town in the province has leveraged the advantages of ecological resources in the countryside to create a special economy of flower sightseeing to help revitalize the countryside.

  Guiding county in Guizhou province has developed an integrated industry of agriculture and tourism by planting rape flowers, pear and yellow peach. It has led to the simultaneous development of tourism industries such as rural catering, accommodation and transportation.